Upcoming events

    • 03/27/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    • Google Meet

    Join us on March 27 for the second of a two part series on effective mentoring programs. This session will focus on being an effective mentor.

    The goals of this webinar are to:

    • Introduce mentoring as an effective tool for professional growth.
    • Equip participants with tools and strategies to be effective mentors.
    • Explore research on the benefits of mentoring in technical fields and community building.
    • Encourage reflection on personal mentoring styles and communication.

    Note: This webinar will occur on Eastern Time


    Angela Huntsman, Ph.D.
    Founder/CEO Humanyen

    Angela is a consulting psychologist working in private, public and non-profit sectors developing individuals and teams.  She interviews executives in pre-hire assessments to evaluate fit potential between organization and candidate.

    Angela has published research and taught in university settings, specializing in the area of human motivation.

    • 04/10/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
    • GotoWebinar
    • 245

    “Hey, what can you tell me about this building?” is often a conversation opener when someone finds out you’re an architectural historian. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, it’s a building or an area you already know a lot about. Other times, however, and especially if you’re documenting a building as part of a survey or other documentation, you might be starting from scratch.

    This webinar will give CRM professionals a basis for understanding how to generate a research plan for a property, including questions to think about, likely repositories to use, including nationally available repositories, and types of sources to reference. The session will also cover: 

    • Common traps and pitfalls
    • Historic image use, including Creative Commons Licenses and what they mean
    • Data and bibliography management, including an overview of how to use the web-based bibliography software Zotero. 

    Note: This webinar will occur on Eastern Time


    Gretchen Pineo

    Ms. Pineo is a Senior Architectural Historian at the Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc. (PAL), in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. At PAL, she has been involved in training new Associate Architectural Historians in research methods as applicable to CRM projects, and has led Historic Preservation Team department-wide trainings in research methods. Additionally, she is adjunct faculty at the Boston Architectural College, where she teaches Research and Documentation for Historic Preservation.

    • 04/26/2025
    • 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • Denver, Colorado
    • 1

    SAA 90th Annual Meeting
    April 23-27, 2025 • Denver, CO

    The ACRA/SAA CRM Expo is scheduled for Saturday, April 26, 2025, from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. Registration must be received by January 30, 2025 if you want your firm to be listed in the program. Registrations received after that date will not be listed in the program. There is an option to be placed on a waitlist if one becomes necessary. 

    Cancellations will be accepted until March 1, 2025. After that date no refunds will be provided.

    Contact ACRA Executive Director Amanda Stratton regarding registration.

    • 06/12/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
    • GotoWebinar
    • 245

    The Area of Potential Effects (APE) is the foundation of a federal agency’s efforts to identify historic properties in Section 106 review. Learn how APEs vary based on the nature of an undertaking, practice defining a preliminary APE in project scenarios, and explore best practices for documenting APEs.

    This webinar was designed and developed by the President's Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, which is an independent federal agency that promotes the preservation, enhancement, and productive use of our nation's historic resources, and advises the President and Congress on national historic preservation policy.

    Note: This webinar will occur on Eastern Time


    Presenters will be announced closer to the webinar date.
    • 09/25/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
    • GotoWebinar
    • 245

    Photogrammetry and laser scanning have been present in the field of cultural resource management (CRM) for decades and are leveraged more each year. However, many CRM professionals view photogrammetry and laser scanning as primarily mitigation and, worse yet, just “fancy add-ons.” Such perspectives ignore the benefits these technologies offer during earlier project stages. This webinar examines how digital heritage technologies can benefit a project earlier in its lifecycle and set up later stages for success.

    Attendees will: 

    • Understand how to incorporate scanning technologies throughout a project lifespan
    • Understand how to incorporate scanning technologies in a way that benefits you and your client
    • Understand the limitations of scanning technologies
    • Learn how to market scanning technologies to clients

    Note: This webinar will occur on Eastern Time


    Bryan Herling

    Bryan Herling leads SEARCH’s Digital Heritage services. Mr. Herling has experience with laser scanning and photogrammetry as well as the preparation of 3D models and measured drawings, including drawings for Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), Historic American Engineering Record (HAER), and Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS) documentation. His undergraduate degree in Anthropology with a minor in Architectural History was completed at Pennsylvania State University in 2012, followed by a master’s degree in Archaeology of Buildings from the University of York in 2014, and a master’s degree in Historic Preservation from Boston Architectural College in 2018.

    Matthew Piscitelli

    Matthew Piscitelli is a Lead Principal Investigator and Marketing Manager at SEARCH as well as a Research Associate at The Field Museum in Chicago. He has over 14 years of experience in archaeology, museum services, and grant administration. Prior to SEARCH, Matthew served as a Program Officer at the National Geographic Society in Washington, D.C. As Program Officer, he oversaw grantmaking in archaeology and advised print, digital, and television teams on the topic. Matthew has led archaeological projects in Peru, Bolivia, Greece, and the U.S. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Archaeology from Boston University in 2007 and both a master’s degree and doctorate in Anthropology from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2009 and 2014, respectively. Matthew is both a Registered Professional Archaeologist and a National Geographic explorer.

    • 10/23/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
    • GotoWebinar
    • 245

    Cultural Asset Mapping blends traditional knowledge with contemporary insights, providing a framework to reimagine sustainability and resilience. By integrating art, science, and technology through mapmaking, storytelling, and community-engaged design, this approach fosters a more equitable and inclusive mindset in the redevelopment of communities to transform cultural narratives and build resilient futures for communities. 

    Attendees will be introduced to the concept of cultural asset mapping and its role in CRM. The session will cover how technologies like ArcGIS StoryMaps and drones can be used to document and interpret cultural assets.

    Note: This webinar will occur on Eastern Time


    David Senk

    • 10/23/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
    • GotoWebinar
    • 245
    The interactions between a CRM firm and its clients aren’t just one-time business transactions - they are an ongoing relationship that must be established, cultivated, and maintained. CRM firms tend to place far more emphasis on client acquisition rather than on client retention—and this is generally a business mistake. Find out why, and how to extend the “lifetime” of your clients. Learn how to calculate the cost of acquisition, cost of retention, customer lifetime value, and the amount you should be investing in your customers to increase your profitability and value. Learn how to identify at-risk clients before it is too late and learn some things you can do to win back client that do leave your firm.

    Note: This webinar will occur on Eastern Time


    Dr. Christopher Dore

    Dr. Dore is a consultant with Heritage Business International, a social enterprise venture that works to strengthen the value, sustainability, and impact of heritage organizations. While starting his career as an archaeological technician, he has since served as an executive and senior manager at some of the largest heritage and environmental firms in the world. He is one of the few archaeologists holding a Ph.D. and an M.B.A. He is currently the President of the Society for American Archaeology, and had also served as the President of the American Cultural Resources Association and President of the Register of Professional Archaeologists. He teaches students about heritage business management, geospatial technologies, and Maya settlement organization as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Arizona and Simon Fraser University. Dr. Dore is always excited about opportunities, like this ACRA webinar, for increasing the business knowledge of heritage professionals!

    • 12/11/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
    • GotoWebinar
    • 245

    A Programmatic Agreement (PA) can be a powerful tool for agencies and consulting parties to tailor the Section 106 review process for federal property management and statewide assistance programs. Join ACHP staff to learn more about PAs, explore how they are developed and implemented, and practice evaluating the pros and cons of a proposed PA in real-world scenarios.

    This webinar was designed and developed by the President's Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, which is an independent federal agency that promotes the preservation, enhancement, and productive use of our nation's historic resources, and advises the President and Congress on national historic preservation policy.

    Note: This webinar will occur on Eastern Time


    Presenters will be announced closer to the webinar date.

Past events

03/13/2025 ACRA Hot Topics Series: The Latest from DC
03/06/2025 Designing a Mentoring Community/Program For Your Firm
03/03/2025 National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week
01/15/2025 ACRA Hot Topics Series: Artificial Intelligence & Company Policies
12/12/2024 ACRA Webinar: Planning to Involve the Public in Section 106
12/06/2024 ACRA Hot Topics Series: Internship Guidelines
12/05/2024 Election 2024: What it Means for CRM
10/24/2024 ACRA Webinar: Metals Managed: Using X-radiography to Identify, Document, and Sample Corroded Iron
09/26/2024 2024 Annual Conference in Albuquerque, NM
09/05/2024 ACRA Webinar: Investigating Archaeological Artifacts Using Isotopic Techniques
08/27/2024 Q&A with National NAGPRA Program Manager Melanie O'Brien
08/22/2024 ACRA Webinar: How to Integrate Instrumental Analyses of Artifacts into CRM Projects
07/18/2024 ACRA Webinar: IT Cybersecurity Best Practices for Small Business
06/13/2024 ACRA Webinar: Resolving Disputes in Section 106
05/14/2024 ACRA Hot Topics Series: Revised NAGPRA Regulations
05/07/2024 2024 CRM Day on the Hill
05/03/2024 NON-ACRA EVENT: Seminar: National Register Archeology 101
03/28/2024 ACRA Careers Webinar Series: Invest in Your Success with a ‘Self-Care and Your Work’ Seminar
02/29/2024 ACRA Careers Webinar Series: Unlock Your Interview Success
02/22/2024 The 2024 Outlook for CRM in Washington
01/18/2024 ACRA Careers Webinar Series: Contemplate Your Career Path
12/14/2023 ACRA Webinar: Coordinating CERCLA and Section 106
11/09/2023 ACRA Webinar: A Guide to Archaeological Bones for Dating and Isotopic Analysis
11/08/2023 ACRA Hot Topics Series: Health & Safety Initiatives & Policies
10/05/2023 ACRA Webinar: The CRM Market by the Numbers: What Firms Need to Know for Planning, Competing, and Adding Value
09/26/2023 ACRA Webinar: Understanding a CRM Project Life Cycle
09/07/2023 2023 Annual Conference in Indianapolis, IN
08/24/2023 ACRA Webinar: Section 106 Program Alternatives
07/19/2023 NON-ACRA EVENT: GSA Federal Acquisition Service Industry Partner Symposium
07/13/2023 ACRA Webinar: How to Improve your Descriptions of Historic House Interiors
04/25/2023 2023 CRM Day on the Hill
04/12/2023 ACRA Webinar: The Do’s and Don’ts of Subcontracting on Federal Projects
03/22/2023 ACRA Membership: What's In It for Me?
03/16/2023 ACRA Webinar: Principles of Curation for Cultural Resource Professionals
03/07/2023 ACRA Hot Topics Series: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Writing in CRM
02/15/2023 NON-ACRA EVENT: SAA Webinar - Black Heritage Resources: Why They Matter
02/08/2023 NON-ACRA EVENT: SAA Webinar - The Future of U.S. Archaeology
02/07/2023 The 2023 Outlook for CRM in Washington
01/26/2023 ACRA Webinar: Surveys: Are They Going to the Dogs?
12/08/2022 ACRA Webinar: Planning for Successful Section 106 Agreements
12/01/2022 NON-ACRA EVENT: SAA Webinar - Illuminating Marginalized Stories from the Jim Crow Era in Historic Preservation
11/15/2022 ACRA Hot Topics Series: Addressing Diversity and Inclusion in Hiring Practices & Current Labor Market
11/01/2022 NON-ACRA EVENT: PastForward Online 2022
10/12/2022 NON-ACRA EVENT: Satellite Summit 2022
10/06/2022 ACRA Webinar: Alternative Mitigations: Let’s Continue the Discussion
09/21/2022 2022 Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX
08/04/2022 ACRA Webinar: Identifying and Mitigating Sexual Harassment in CRM
08/03/2022 ACRA Hot Topics Series: Secretary of Interior Standards & Labor Market
07/25/2022 Women Leaders in CRM Interest Call
07/13/2022 ACRA-Corps Listening Session
06/23/2022 ACRA Webinar: Innovative Approaches to Section 106 Mitigation
06/08/2022 ACRA Hot Topics Series: Labor Issues in the CRM Industry
05/12/2022 ACRA Webinar: Nuts and Bolts of SCA
05/02/2022 ACRA 2022 Virtual Hill Week
04/14/2022 ACRA Webinar: Bones: Isotopes in Dating, Diets and Migration Studies
03/09/2022 The 2022 Outlook for CRM in Washington
01/21/2022 ACRA Small Business Mastermind Group #2
12/09/2021 ACRA Webinar: Documentation and e106
10/14/2021 ACRA Webinar: Storytelling in CRM: Moving Beyond Producing Gray Literature
09/08/2021 2021 Annual Conference in Old Town Alexandria, VA
08/12/2021 ACRA Webinar: Technical Editing for CRM
07/22/2021 ACRA Webinar: Reframing Public Outreach: Addressing Historically Underrepresented Communities in CRM
06/10/2021 ACRA Webinar: Section 110(k) and Section 106: Responding to Anticipatory Demolition Concerns
05/18/2021 NON-ACRA EVENT: Women in STEM Happy Hour @ NAEP Conference
05/13/2021 ACRA Webinar: Radiocarbon Dating Basics
05/12/2021 NON-ACRA EVENT: Suquamish Tribe's Cultural Resource Protection Summit
04/19/2021 2021 CRM Virtual Advocacy Week
04/08/2021 ACRA Webinar: A Digital Marketing Primer
02/20/2021 NON-ACRA EVENT: The Dennis Farm Annual Forum - Fostering Racial Understanding
02/04/2021 Legislation & Policy: What CRM Can Expect in 2021
01/28/2021 ACRA Webinar: A, B, C, easy as 1, 2, 3: Evaluating Archaeological and Tribal Resources Under the “Other” National Register Criteria
01/20/2021 NON-ACRA EVENT: West 67th Street Artists' Colony
12/10/2020 ACRA Webinar: So you think you need a PA…
11/19/2020 “Modernizing” the NEPA Process or Returning to the Stone Age? Integrating New Definitions for Key Language in the NEPA–Section 106 Process
11/18/2020 NON-ACRA EVENT: Examining the Role of Diversity and Inclusion in Arizona Archaeology
11/12/2020 ACRA Webinar: Aerial Archaeology, Then and Now
10/22/2020 ACRA Webinar: Technical Writing for CRM: Developing More Efficient Communication
10/20/2020 NON-ACRA EVENT: Suquamish Tribe's Cultural Resource Protection Summit
09/24/2020 Virtual 2020 ACRA Annual Conference
08/13/2020 ACRA Webinar: Data Preservation and Access in the Digital Age of CRM
07/16/2020 ACRA Webinar: Emerging Technology for Heritage Management & Section 106 Compliance
06/15/2020 NON-ACRA EVENT: WSU Archaeological Field School 2020
06/11/2020 ACRA Webinar: Resolving Disputes in Section 106
05/28/2020 ACRA Webinar: CRM Health and Safety Programs in the 21st Century
05/20/2020 ACRA Healthcare Program Informational Webinar
05/04/2020 CANCELED: 2020 CRM Day on the Hill
04/30/2020 ACRA Webinar: Safety and Human Resources for CRM During COVID-19
02/20/2020 Harnessing the Power of the People in NEPA and Section 106 Compliance: An ACRA and NAEP Webinar
12/05/2019 ACRA Webinar: Meeting the Reasonable and Good Faith Identification Standard in Section 106 Review
10/24/2019 2019 Annual Conference in Spokane, WA
10/10/2019 ACRA Webinar: Forecasting 101
09/26/2019 ACRA Webinar: Acquisition v. Retention: Strengthening the Firm-Client Relationship
09/05/2019 NAEP Webinar (non-ACRA event): NEPA Case Law Update
07/25/2019 ACRA Webinar: Meetings for a Healthy Organization
07/25/2019 NAEP Webinar (non-ACRA event): NEPA Legislative Update with Ted Boling/CEQ
06/20/2019 ACRA Webinar: Planning for Successful Section 106 Agreements
05/22/2019 NON-ACRA EVENT: Suquamish Tribe's Cultural Resource Protection Summit
05/16/2019 2019 CRM Day on the Hill
05/09/2019 ACRA Webinar: Accounting Basics
04/03/2019 CRM Day on the Hill: What to Expect
03/21/2019 ACRA Webinar: The Art of Negotiation and Conflict Management
01/24/2019 ACRA Webinar: Advocacy Skills for All Levels
12/06/2018 ACRA Webinar: Innovative Approaches to Section 106 Mitigation
11/15/2018 ACRA Webinar: What the 2018 Election Results Mean for CRM
10/25/2018 ACRA Webinar: Geophysical Survey for Cultural Resource Management Archaeology
09/06/2018 2018 Annual Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio
08/16/2018 ACRA Webinar: Communications Skills for All
07/26/2018 ACRA Webinar: Ethnography Basics
06/14/2018 ACRA Webinar: Planning to Involve the Public in Section 106
05/23/2018 NON-ACRA EVENT: Suquamish Tribe's Cultural Resource Protection Summit
03/22/2018 ACRA Webinar: Digital Data Management and Curation for CRM Professionals
01/17/2018 FREE WEBINAR -- Preservation in the Trump Era: What Will Year 2 Bring?
12/06/2017 Proposals due for ACRA Continuing Education Presenters
11/02/2017 OLO: Secrets Revealed: Why CRM Sales Efforts Aren’t Effective…and How You Can Change this at Your Firm
10/20/2017 OLO: Hosting a Successful Internship Program
10/04/2017 OLO: Section 106 Review for Planners and CRM Professionals
10/02/2017 Cultural Resources Law: Consulting with Tribes on Energy Projects
09/19/2017 OLO: Indigenous Stone Features and Landscapes of the Northeast
09/07/2017 2017 Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
07/12/2017 Beyond Profit: Increase Value and Create a Sustainable Firm
05/18/2017 The California Environmental Quality Act: What Cultural Resource Managers Should Know about the Fundamental Process and Larger Context
04/13/2017 Occupational Wellness Among U.S. Archaeologists: A Special Preview of Study Results
02/21/2017 How to Make a Project Budget for CRM Professionals
02/10/2017 Advocacy Strategy Session (Members Only)
01/26/2017 How to Write a Great Proposal
11/28/2016 The CRM Industry in the Age of Trump
10/20/2016 Section 106 Review for Planners and CRM Professionals
10/20/2016 Cultural Resources Law: Consulting with Tribes on Energy Projects
09/15/2016 2016 Annual Conference in Palm Springs, California
07/28/2016 Making Your Voice Heard in Election Season