ACRA Webinar: A Guide to Archaeological Bones for Dating and Isotopic Analysis

  • 11/09/2023
  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • GotoWebinar
  • 217


  • Students who are ACRA members are eligible to receive our new student-only pricing. You MUST hold an ACRA student membership in order to qualify.

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The isotopic study of various bones and teeth can tell a story of an individual’s experiences, pinpointing events to specific periods within their lifetime. Certain bones can provide information on date and location of birth and death, as well as migration and dietary preferences through life. When analyzed on a societal level, cultural and economic change of past civilizations can be investigated. In this webinar, a series of dating techniques (14C, U-Th) and stable isotopic (Sr, O, C, Pb, CaPO4) analysis will be discussed with a focus on applications depending on the sample selection within the archaeological record.

The agenda will cover:

  • Introduction to isotopes
  • Dating bone samples: Radiocarbon and U-Th methods
  • Isotopes in archaeology (oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, strontium, and lead)
  • Case studies: establish provenance, mobility, environmental context and dietary reconstruction
  • Sample preparation and submission

Miami-based Beta Analytic is an ISO 17025-accredited radiocarbon dating and stable isotope laboratory. Subsidiary Isobar Science provides uranium-thorium dating, strontium analysis and geochemical fingerprinting services, among others. The company specializes in isotope ratios using wet chemistry and MC-ICP-MS.

Note: This webinar will occur on Eastern Time


Maren Pauly, Scientific Associate at Beta Analytic and Isobar Science

Dr. Maren Pauly is a Scientific Associate at Beta Analytic, with experience in tree-ring and coral paleoclimatology, forest conservation and radiocarbon calibration. She undertook her PhD in Natural Sciences (Paleontology) at the Freie Universität Berlin.