ACRA Webinar: A, B, C, easy as 1, 2, 3: Evaluating Archaeological and Tribal Resources Under the “Other” National Register Criteria

  • 01/28/2021
  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • GotoWebinar
  • 122


  • Students who are ACRA members are eligible to receive our new student-only pricing. You MUST hold an ACRA student membership in order to qualify.

Registration is closed

Cultural resource management (CRM) frequently involves the evaluation of resources for their eligibility to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). CRM practitioners know there are four main eligibility criteria, and each CRM specialist tends to focus on one or another of those criteria. Although all resources should be evaluated under all four criteria, archaeologists generally focus on information values, that is, NRHP Criterion d. As our society changes and awareness increases of broader cultural values, CRM practitioners are increasingly asked to consider whether cultural resources might possess other values and thus be eligible for listing in the NRHP under criteria a, b, and/or c. Capturing those cultural values in a regulatory context can be very challenging.

In this webinar, our expert presenters will focus on how to document what makes a place important to descendant communities or how a place might fit into the identity a group shares about a location. This often involves interviews and consultation with other groups, including Native Americans but expanding to other social, cultural, or ethnic groups’ association with a significant place. The webinar will also provide guidelines and ideas on how to capture the information, and put it in writing so an agency reviewer can understand the case for significance and agree with the reviewer or ask appropriate questions. With liberal use of case studies and examples, the presenters will explain ways to document what may seem like nebulous values to an outsider as well as “dos” and “don’ts” that will help with managing properties in a regulatory setting such as for Section 106 compliance.

The presenters will also address some new directions in CRM compliance including tribal resource studies (distinct from consultation), and the concept of traditional knowledge. Several federal agencies and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation apply the term “traditional knowledge” to the information or knowledge held by indigenous peoples and, for purposes of National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106, to the knowledge held by Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations (NHOs). Understanding how to integrate and evaluate resources under all the criteria will be an important tool in coming decades. With apologies to the Jackson 5, it really is as simple as do, re, mi if you know the regulatory “lyrics” and can harmonize to capture a story of place.

Participants are encouraged to have a working knowledge of NHPA and NRHP vocabulary as this is not an introductory workshop and the content and presentation will assume familiarity.

Note: This webinar will occur on Eastern Time


Shelly Davis-King

Anmarie Medin

Brendon Greenaway