ACRA Supports New Bill to Preserve African American Burial Grounds

02/14/2019 4:00 PM | Anonymous

ACRA is pleased to support the African American Burial Grounds Network Act, which was introduced in Congress yesterday by Rep. Don McEachin (D-VA) and Rep. Alma Adams (D-NC). This legislation is consistent with our commitment to providing accurate information about historic resources to communities, developers and government officials.

The African American Burial Grounds Network Act would:

  • Create a voluntary, nationwide database of historic burial grounds, with the consent of the property owner, that relate to the historic African-American experience;
  • Provide technical assistance to local public, private, state and local partners to research, survey, identify, record, preserve, evaluate, and interpret these burial grounds;
  • Establish educational materials for community members, local groups, and schools about African-American burial grounds; and
  • Make available grants for local groups to research, survey, identify, record, and aid in the preservation of sites within the Network.

African-American burial grounds are an integral component of the heritage of the United States. Creating and maintaining a network of African-American burial grounds will help communities preserve local history while better informing development decisions and community planning. ACRA is proud to lend its name in support of this legislation.

What can you do? To build support for the bill, please contact your Member of Congress and ask him/her to cosponsor the African American Burial Grounds Network Act.

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